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/ Sounds 1996 / Sounds 1996.iso / players / sboom101.zip

File Comment
│     Chicago Computer Broker - 500 W. Golf, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056          │
│      This File Has Passed Automated Virus & File Integrity Procedures      │
│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
SBOOM101.ZIP    73572  08-06-94  Sonic Boom v1.01: music making pgm for the
                               | SoundBlaster card that can take real sampled
                               | sounds & play them back at different
                               | frequencies thru 8 channels; you can mix
                               | trumpets, pianos, drums, or any sound you can
                               | produce, together into a musical song;
                               | import/export VOC files; real-time volume
                               | fade & frequency slide commands; req 386 ,
                               | MCGA/VGA , mouse; SoundBlaster compat;
                               | 06/27/94; Tobias Downer.
                               | (Newest File Date: 06-27-94)

Audio & Music (1)
PLUNK.SND Sun Microsystems Audio File 0.01s 1KB 1994-05-09

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CONFIG.INF Text File 8 221b 1994-06-09
QSTART.DOC Text File 39 2KB 1994-06-27
README.TXT Text File 13 437b 1994-06-27
SONIC.DOC Text File 558 23KB 1994-06-27

Other Files (12)
SONIC.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 38KB 1994-06-27
BASSDX.SND Unknown 3KB 1994-06-13
BLOCK.SND Unknown 2KB 1994-05-07
CYMBAL.SND Unknown 10KB 1994-05-07
EXAMPLE.SB Unknown 18KB 1994-06-11
HAMMER.SND Unknown 3KB 1994-05-07
HIHAT.SND Unknown 2KB 1994-05-07
HORN.SND Unknown 6KB 1994-05-08
PIANO.SND Unknown 2KB 1994-05-09
SNARE.SND Unknown 1KB 1994-05-07
SONIC.SPR Unknown 22KB 1994-06-09
TOM.SND Unknown 2KB 1994-05-07